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Imaev V S

Institute of the Earth’s Crust, SB RAS, Russia

Title: Geodynamic activity and seismotectonic deformations of neotectonic structures of the Arctic-Asian seismic belt (Russian Arctic region)


Biography: Imaev V S


The present study is focused on determining regular patterns of seismotectonic destruction of the crust in the zone of interaction between the North American and the Eurasian lithospheric plates. We have analyzed a set of different parameters: structural-tectonic position, deep velocity structure, systems of active faults and tectonic deformation fields calculated on the basis of focal mechanism solutions of strong earthquakes and types of late Cenozoic folded and disruptive deformations. Average seismotectonic deformation tensors have been estimated from the data on focal mechanisms of strong earthquakes that together with structural-tectonic and geologic-geophysical data allowed us to reveal the areas with pure and combined regimes of the stress-strain field of the crust. Thus, we have determined that the investigated region is influenced by different geodynamic processes: rifting is observed along the spreading Gakkel ridge and throughout the territory of the Laptev Sea shelf, a suture of the midocean and Continental structures of the crust (the Kharaulakh segment) are a transition zone, and a compression regime dominates in the Cherskiy seismotectonic zone.