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Shashi Bhushan

Vikas Buildtech private limited, India

Title: GIS survey of lucknow with the help of high resolution satellite images for identification and approximate costing of all buildings in urban and rural areas and generating cess @ 1.0 % of the cost of construction of those buildings which have been constructed since 2009 to generate the social welfare fund for workers


Biography: Shashi Bhushan


Scope of Work: The scope of work can be divided into three broad activities.

Activity 1: The first activity being generation of detailed large scale maps consisting of the planimetric details, cadastral boundaries, micro level land-use using the state-of-the-are technology of GPS, image processing and digital data capture using 0.6 m resolution Pan Sharpened color imagery (or any better resolution image) supplemented by the ground truth collection, and conducting household surveys for collection of attributes of cess. This would involve: 1. Review of existing situation, collection of all available data including list of mohalla/villages/wards in soft copy/hard copy including city/ward boundary maps, etc., on 1:1000 scale. 2. Procurement of high resolution (0.6 m or greater) satellite imageries and draft design report. 3. Design of proper grid and projection for the whole town. 4. Geo-coding and geo-referencing of satellite imagery with respect to the available property. 5. Final design report, digitization of satellite images. The digitization process shall include vectorisation, symbolization layering, and edge matching and topological integrity. 6. Generation of large scale and detailed base maps with necessary data inputs under different layers such as plot boundaries roads, important landmarks. 7. Ground Validation Survey of the digitized maps in consultation with the concerning departmental staff for identification of ward boundaries/mohalla/village boundaries onsite. 8. Superimposing and tallying the boundaries captured through the satellite imageries fitted with various Revenue boundaries, Municipal Wards, Development Authority areas. 9. Design of software for the collection of identified Cess