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Shahinaz M Yousef

Cairo University, Egypt

Title: Alert of dangerous solar forcing on the earth


Biography: Shahinaz M Yousef


Generally speaking, the sun provides the energy budget that sustains life on earth. However, at present and in the coming decades+ the conditions on the sun are abnormal due to the presence of very weak solar cycles particularly the present cycle number 24. Global warming has ended and we are in an era of global cooling that might end up as an ice age. Ice storms that prevailed in Europe in the last few years are alerting. Ice storms have even extended to the Middle East. Egypt and Libya have experienced ice storms and what is astonishing are photos of camels walking on ice in northern Arabia. In case we experience ice age in Europe and Northern America, the Sahara and Arabia will experience wet epoch. Arabia will turn into gardens and forests like it used to be in the old days as evident by the presence petroleum. This scientific expectation is in coherence with the prophet Mohamed saying: "The last hour will not arise before the land of the Arabia returns meadows and rivers." This cooling in Europe and America will cause the destruction of crops and famines. The change from mild weather into ice age is usually abrupt within few years. The interval between successive ice ages is about 11500 years which have almost  passed thus a new ice age is due in time. It would be initiated by reduced solar energy output. Another alert is made of solar induced very strong earthquakes worldwide that can be of 7th magnitude. 2006 witnessed such strong earthquakes that were initiated by solar corpuscular streams emanated from abnormal coronal holes in the corona of cycle 24. Such streams caused excessive ionosphere electric currents that induced telluric electric currents in the ground leading to motion of earth's plates thus causing strong earthquakes worldwide.  Alert is also made of Tsunamis. The reduced strength of the earth's magnetic field and The rapid motion of the southern magnetic pole from Canada to Siberia made NASA to predict the near reversal of the direction of spin of the earth resulting in rising of the sun from the west. This will lead to the loss of the earth of its protective magnetosphere. Coronal mass ejections will thus hit satellites and power stations. No electric power will be produced and hence no oil production. Scientists predict we will return to the ice age.