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Shahinaz M Yousef

Cairo University, Egypt


Shahinaz Yousef’s has succeeded in linking solar forcing to different environmental responses. Once the solar stimuli is known one can predict the likely terrestrial responses in advance. One of the very important topics she has discovered is solar induced climate changes due to weak solar magnetic cycles. A single weak follow the maximum of the 80-120 years Wolf-Gleissberg (WG) cycles. They do also occur in series of 3-4 cycles at the bottom of WG cycles and last for more than 30 years. Among their terrestrial responses are; changes in the general wind circulation via effect on the North Atlantic Oscillations and the Southern Oscillations, sudden rise or falls of lakes and closed seas at various locations, closure ozone hole, invasion of cosmic rays to the earth, cooling of the earth, increased flood-drought hazards, sudden disappearance of fish worldwide, effect on locust , effect on wheat belt and cultivation in general, shrinkage of the planetary magnetospheres and the heliosphere, reduction of ionizations in the ionosphere, reduction in outer Van Allen Belt owing to reduced solar wind,  inflation in the inner Van Allen belt due to increased cosmic rays causing increased hazards to satellites, increased frequency of cyclones, twisters and hurricanes. Among short term forecasts, are sudden flash floods over Mekka AlMukaramah, Geddah and El Madina which have been studied for the last 30 years and proved to be attributed to splar wind streams emanating from solar coronal holes and coronal mass ejections. Nile floods and droughts have been studied in relation to solar millennium cycles since 9000 BC , in Ancient Egyptian epoch as well as Arab Epoch since 622 AD. She has succeeded in forecasting Nile floods.  Among her forecasts based on solar terrestrial relations are the expected rise of the Dead Sea, Aral Sea and Lake Chad in the near future. In 2016 she has published a book with Hashim Elfaky in Germany on solar forcing of weak solar cycles on Equatorial African Lakes. She has been chosen by Cambridge Biographical center as one of the best 2000 intellectuals in the world in 2006 and 2016. She has also been included in Who's who in the world. She has just finished writing two books on the .creation and destruction of the cosmos and is looking for a polisher to publish her books.  


Abstract : Alert of dangerous solar forcing on the earth